Patrick 6th September 2010

Glenn was more than just a friend to me. He was my brother, and he will be missed just as that. Losing Glenn has been the hardest experience I?ve ever been through and is the greatest tragedy that could happen. When I think of Glenn the first thing that comes to mind is how when he walked into a room, people would light up. It was if there was a light beaming, not just from his smile but from his entire being. He would always lighten the mood, made every moment from sitting around the quadrangle at lunch to sitting in English class more fun. I?ve never met someone who met Glenn and didn?t love him. Nothing bad can be said of him and he has more friends than I would have thought possible. I think the hardest thing about this is that I always thought we would grow old together and always saw him and Corbin sitting with me as old friends. Cherish every moment of life. Don?t stay mad at friends. Love like there?s no tomorrow and never forget to tell people you love them at every opportunity. Glenn meant more to me than he will ever know, and I only wish I had been able to tell him that again. I will always love Glenn and I will always miss him.